0645 - I finally open my eyes. whats "finally" anyways? I think they've been open all night long. 30mins after I crashed - maybe an hour, 2, or 3, I really cant tell - the lights came on and it was me trying to get a good sleep all nite long.
So I stand up to finally reach for the light switch as my roomie was stepping out of the room..within 5 secs...I was off
0715 - OMG!! 8am class, I've not ironed as usual...my head's achin seriously...am I sure I wanna do this? Got a test for 12noon...so stabbing is no option today. Humbly, I made the class move.
For the early hours of the day I was lost trying out to figure out why I was struggling to sleep all night. The stir the words I heard before going to bed caused in me? The fact that the lights had to be on cause my roomie was up all night preparing for the test we were writing today? But seriously, since wen did I start having issues sleeping in an illuminated room?
My test is coming up in a couple of hours and I'm not close to being ready, the more I try to figure all of these out, the faster the pace of the headache gets.
1200 - Test hour. The test was sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet and I thank God for that!
1800 - Had a meeting with a section of the new leadership of Hospitality unit, and everytime I get the opportunity to meet with such people I'm excited to share so much with them cause being in their shoes is something I've experienced and I dunno how to put it but I just smile when I see that freshness of energy, that eagerness, that spark that is common to us all when we are about to tread new grounds.
Slowly I drift to my earliest memories of this school-experience, how I couldn't sleep on the night of October 16, 2005, the eagerness...I couldn't contain the joy! I was coming from a secondary school where I was king, I was on top of the class, best graduating student in the set and my admission letter came in a day to my Valedictory service. I wasnt surprised, my admission was obviously the talk of the day: "smart kid getting admitted to a school for the rich" Only 2 of us in the graduating class had gotten admission as at that time, so basically I left seconday school feeling on top of the world.
I had so much to dream about, my imaginative abilities were not as powerful as it is today anyways, but I still I had the dream in me.
I grew up in the 'brooks' so to say, the average neighbour was a lower class income earner, popc was balling on the middle class, 'so that impression of I'll be schooling with the spoilt rich kids of naija' was very much alive in me.
I had academic goals, I planned to stay on top of my class...graduate as the best in my class....best in my department......best in my college.....best overall graduating student.
I had dreams of making money, having heard of business moguls that started expressing their ability to attract financial fortunes right from their university days.
I dreaded the rules, the dress code didn't make sense.....though my first visit to CU on a school day got me looking forward to when I'll iron the new shirts I already had arranged in my box, put them on and appear dashing just like every other CU student I'd seen.
I dreaded the rules futher, 'cause it was my first time off home and I won't have my phone to myself, no more communication with my existing friends, no direct link to my parents...though again I looked forward to not having any parent monitoring my moves.
I dreaded the rules, then we used to hear if any one the univeristy can identify as your friend gets involved in any issue with the school, you're gonna go home as well.
I had dreams of evolving as a Total Man, afterall that seems to be what the CU vision is all about - the mental man, the physical man, and the spiritual man. I was ready to be made!!!
I used to play basketball then in secondary school, I was always talking about joining the school team to develop myself when I get to the university.
I dreamt of the fame, I dreamt of the name, I dreamt of the ladies, I dreamt of the good, I dreamt of the bad...and you know what, in a way these dreams were conflicting oh....but I wanted all of these things!
How far I've gone in living this dream, I don't want to know.
To a reasonable extent, you might know but I dont think I want you to tell me.
2000 - Arsenal hour. Yaayyy!!! Chelsea!!!!
2200 - My ISP is messing up, internet activation issues still :-(
I miss blogville gist jare....nt enjoyin borrowed internet!
So my photoblogging is again postponed till my next post.
loads of joy reading this...
..nice to know :-d
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